Strategic Fortification Partner Spotlight: dsm-firmenich

Strategic Fortification Partner Spotlight: dsm-firmenich
Strategic Fortification Partner Spotlight: dsm-firmenich

In a recent chat with Sridhar NB, dsm-firmenich’s Senior Business Development Manager for Europe, Middle East and Africa, Health, Nutrition & Care, he shared his commitment to addressing global nutrition challenges through food fortification. Driven by the reality that many people struggle to access even one nutritious meal a day, Shridhar finds fulfillment in developing sustainable fortification solutions. His work with rice millers has been particularly impactful, helping them transform a commodity product into a vehicle for better nutrition.

What inspired you to join the food fortification journey?

Knowing that people are struggling, being part of the food fortification journey brings me immense satisfaction and fulfillment. In today’s world, accessing a single nutritious meal daily has become a challenge. Staple food fortification is a cost-effective intervention that ensures essential vitamins and minerals reach consumers daily. The technology and methods required for staple food fortification are well-established and accessible globally. Our goal is to develop sustainable, win-win business models for fortifying staple foods.

What is the most memorable feedback you have received from a miller you have trained or worked with?

In the rice fortification space, rice is often viewed as a commodity product. However, rice millers are increasingly interested in fortifying rice not only to provide essential micronutrients to consumers but also to differentiate themselves in a crowded market. Globally, millers often require guidance and support to implement fortification effectively. One memorable feedback I received was from a miller who, after successfully launching and implementing fortified rice, expressed interest in innovating further by incorporating flavor, protein and fibre. This enthusiasm for continuous improvement and innovation was truly encouraging feedback.

What success story from the field has stayed with you?

One success story that motivates me is the global progress in staple food fortification. A key indicator of this success is the increasing amount of fortified rice, which is growing rapidly. Notably, Asia has seen rapid implementation, while Africa is also making significant strides. Witnessing the expansion of fortification efforts across geographies inspires me to continue supporting this vital work.

What unique value did you find being a part of Millers for Nutrition?

As part of Millers for Nutrition, I have found that our unique value lies in sharing technical knowledge to ensure high-quality fortification across the entire value chain. We achieve this through various training methods, including on-the-job training, classroom sessions, etc.