December 2024 Miller of Month: Veerabhadra Boddu, West African Soy Industries Limited (WASIL), Nigeria

Food vehicle: Soybean oil
December’s Miller of the Month Veerabhadra Boddu, head of quality for West African Soy Industries Limited (WASIL), talks about the company’s commitment to fortification and experience with Millers for Nutrition.
Why did you join Millers for Nutrition?
WASIL is a manufacturer of Golden Terra Soya Oil and we are proud members of Millers for Nutrition because of our commitment to food fortification and our compliance with regulatory standards. Joining Millers for Nutrition as food producers and complying with this regulation is a value-added advantage to our company because we get all the support that we need to follow mandatory regulatory requirements and also commit to the all round availability of vitamin A in our products.
Tell us about your commitment to food fortification
WASIL is very committed to food fortification as it’s a regulatory compliance and to do that, we test each and every batch of oil that leaves our factory with the use of a sophisticated equipment called i-Chroma check 3 to ensure that each oil produced and sold meets the minimum requirement of 20,000iu/kg.
What’s your proudest achievement?
Our proudest achievement is that we are part of the fastest growing company in 2022, also in 2024, we were awarded an Excellence award at GLOBOIL 2024. Additionally, WASIL’s Managing Director, Mr. Ipsit Charabarti was named GLOBOIL International Professional Of 2024 for his Excellent Leadership and dedication. Lastly, 2024 Statista and Financial Times recognized WASIL two times as the fastest growing organization in Africa.
How are you involved in your community?
WASIL is located at Sagamu, Ogun State, Nigeria and we collaborate with regulatory bodies such NAFDAC, NESREA, SON, FCCPC etc. and international regulatory bodies by following all regulations both in the international and local communities to ensure that the food we sell is fortified and safe for the people of the community who are the end users. We are also involved in many community development projects like constructing drainage, ensuring water is treated before sending out our waste water. We also give various services such as training soya farmers and women in shea nut. We are involved in the continuous development of our staff by impacting knowledge through various training as it is required for different skill development.
What would you tell other millers about joining Millers for Nutrition?
Join Millers for Nutrition to gain knowledge and get the support that will give you an advantage over other brands. Millers for Nutrition offer millers various platforms that will help your brand to be known and it will help you to know where you are standing in compliance in comparison with other brands, so as to make improvements and be committed to get to the top.