Millers for Nutrition attends Ethiopian Edible Oil Manufacturing Industry Association’s Annual Assembly

Millers for Nutrition Ethiopia recently attended the Ethiopian Edible Oil Manufacturing Industry Association’s (EEOMIA) annual assembly in Addis Ababa. The annual meeting provides a platform for networking and collaboration among industry members and relevant stakeholders including strategic fortification partners and government officials. Additionally, Technoserve was recognized for its support to the industry and its members.
The assembly addressed challenges faced by the edible oil industry, including shortage of raw materials, which impacts production capabilities. Members highlighted the difficulty in competing with imported finished edible oil due to favorable tax policies for imports, which puts local producers at a disadvantage.
The fortification mandate also remains a critical topic. The association will collaborate with development partners M4N/TNS and the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) to support processors in meeting the requirements.
“The industry is very strong and committed to serving the community with nutritious products,” said Eyakem Amsalu Negussie, Ethiopia program manager. “The Millers for Nutrition coalition supports that commitment by connecting millers to world class fortification experts to gain free technical assistance and specialized training on industry best practices.”
The Ethiopian government is also actively working to enhance the edible oil sector. The Ministry of Agriculture has ambitious plans to double domestic oil production within the next two years, aiming to reduce dependency on imports and achieve self-sufficiency. However, this goal is heavily dependent on addressing several critical issues, including market linkages, forex availability, and fair competition.