Wheat Flour Sector Wide Training in India
Millers for Nutrition recently hosted a technical workshop on Wheat Flour Fortification in collaboration with our Industry Association Partners: Gujarat Roller Flour Millers Association and Wheat Products Promotion Society (WPPS) in Ahmedabad.
The primary focus of the workshop was wheat flour fortification, pivotal in improving public health and combating malnutrition. It aimed to reignite the Flour Fortification drive in Gujarat through in-depth discussions on challenges and viable solutions.
The event included over 30 flour millers. Mr. K R Patel, State Designated Officer from Food & Drug Control Administration shared insights into regulatory frameworks. Our Ecosystem Partner, The Akshaya Patra Foundation, and Strategic Fortification Partners, Hexagon Nutrition Limited, BASF, and Piramal Nutrition Solutions, along with developmental sector partners and academia like Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN), Fortify Health and Innovation Hub for Rice Fortification (IHRF)- Fostering Innovation. Enhancing Nutrition also contributed to the event.
A panel discussion on wheat flour fortification featured industry experts Ramesh Saraf, President, GRFMA; Neel Patel, Secretary, GRFMA; Trilokchandra Agarwal, Sr. Advisor, GRFMA; Raj Kapoor, Convener, WPPS; Priya Bhattacharya, Senior Program Associate, GAIN; Chirag Bhalodiya, MD, Tulsi Agro Group; Manish Jha, Program Specialist, Fortification, IIT Delhi (IHRF); Bhavin Raval, Regional Manager Quality; and Akshaya Patra.